Installation Still, The Lightning Testimonies

Installation Still, The Lightning Testimonies

Installation Still, The Lightning Testimonies

Installation Still, The Lightning Testimonies
The Lightning Testimonies (2007)
Installation: 8 projection digital video, synchronized, colour, black and white, sound, 32 minutes and 31 sec, loop
The Lightning Testimonies is a multi-channel video installation that reflects upon a history of conflict in the Indian subcontinent through experiences of sexual violence. In this exploration, multiple submerged narratives are revealed, sometimes in people, images and memories, and at other times in objects from nature and everyday life that stand as silent but surviving witnesses. In all the narratives, the body becomes central – as a site for honour, hatred and humiliation and also for dignity and protest. The Lightning Testimonies creates an experience that emerges from a constellation of eight synchronised choreographed projections with sound tracks that lead to disparate narratives that then converge into a single projection. As the stories unfold, women from different times and regions come forward. The multiple projections speak to them directly, in an effort to understand how such violence is resisted, remembered and recorded by individuals and communities. Submerged narratives appear, disappear and are then reborn in another vocabulary at another time. Using a range of visual vocabularies, The Lightning Testimonies hopes to transport us beyond the realm of suffering into a space of quiet contemplation, where resilience creates the potential for transformation.